


Combine The Convenience of Virtual Meetings with

The Engagement of In-Person Communication


Welcome To Gecko Connect:

Where your virtual self can emote, hold meetings, be social, and have fun!

A New, High-Resolution World Where You Can Work, Play, Learn and Present.

Over 20 environments to meet in and explore. From boardrooms to classrooms, from a metropolitan rooftop lounge to a sunny campsite, you’re sure to find the perfect place for your meeting. Mix up your rendezvous and keep it interesting: all settings are included for one low price.

Detailed and engaging 3D environments. Research shows that “Zoom fatigue” is running rampant among today’s virtual teams. Gecko Connect was engineered with calming yet interesting locales in mind, complete with birds, butterflies and even clouds in the sky.

Share your screen and project it for all to see. Just like an overhead projector, you can share your screen on the wall of your environment and walk people through content in real time. You can also force full screen sharing for those vital moments that can’t be missed.

Full breakout areas – not just one big room. Walk around your virtual setting and splinter your larger party into smaller groups by simply walking to other rooms or spaces, just like a video game. Gecko Connect supports up to 32 participants at once.

Coming soon - Built-in quizzes and surveys. Keep engagement high while gathering important info from participants with data collection tools that are fully integrated into the Gecko Connect experience.

Organize your thoughts and present them on a scribble board. These digital whiteboards can be used just like their real-life counterparts for sketches, diagrams, and play games.

Bring The Real You To Your Virtual Environment.

Facial lip-syncing. When you speak, other people see your avatar’s lips move to match – just like the real world.

A full repertoire of emotes. Forget emojis. Your avatar comes packed with over 100 animations – from laughs to waves to applause – so you can emulate being a real-life person in a virtual setting.

Proximity voice volume. Your meeting is set up with spatial audio, so volume automatically increases or decreases depending on your distance from the speaker.

Make your avatar look like you! Choose your body type, wardrobe, hair colour, and much, much more so you can build a truly personalized experience. Over 20 million combinations to play with!

Intuitive controls. The learning curve for Gecko Connect is basically non-existent and even self-proclaimed “non-techy” people find GC to be fun, easy, and a whole lot more engaging than the average, lacklustre video call.


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